Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Ronan-Alexandre Cherrueau [correspondent] , Mario Südholt.

Service-oriented systems, distributed programming, event-based programming, workflow patterns

The SAdapt tool provides an implementation of workflow adaptation patterns and allows the transformation of service-oriented systems implemented using Apache's CXF service infrastructure in terms of high-level declarative service transformations. The transformations are defined using an expressive language that supports matching of the execution of service-based systems in terms of flexible patterns over service compositions.

The SAdapt tool has partially been developed and is employed in the A4Cloud EU project (see Sec.  8.2 ) as a basis for our work on the enforcement of accountability properties in complex cloud-based systems.

The SAdapt tool and its application, notably to the security hardening of service systems that use OAuth 2 for the authorization of resource accesses is available at http://a4cloud.gforge.inria.fr/doku.php?id=start:advservcomp .